✔️ 1 FREE Month
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✔️ 50% Off Fall Detection
✔️ No Equipment Fees
✔️ 1 FREE Month
✔️ FREE Expedited Shipping
✔️ 50% Off Fall Detection
✔️ No Equipment Fees
*For a limited time - promotions available for select systems and subscription plans, please call for specific details. Offers are valid for new customers and for the first year of service and cannot be combined with any other offers. $19.95 is the monthly subscription price for a MobileHelp Classic (at home only) system. There is a one-time $49.95 processing fee to subscribe to this plan. Equipment shown is the MobileHelp DUO (at home and on the go) system available at a higher monthly cost. Most equipment is included at no cost while actively subscribing and must be returned upon cancellation. Free one month of service offer valid with purchase of Annual plan and includes month 12 at no additional charge. Refer to terms and conditions for specific details. Depending on the promotion chosen, you may receive an additional savings of $5.50 off the $11 retail price of Fall Detection service. After first year, Fall Detect pricing reverts to discounted price of $8.25/month when combined with MobileHelp Connect Premium. Warning: Fall Button™ does not detect 100% of falls. If able, users should always push their help button when they need assistance. The Fall Button is not intended to replace a caregiver. MobileHelp is a registered trademark, Patented technology. Current GPS location may not always be available in every situation on the AT&T network at all times. Expedited shipping offer is for Annual plans made prior to 3 PM EST Mon-Fri. Expedited shipping is standard 2-day - - no deliveries on Saturdays/Sundays or to Hawaii or Alaska. Shipping delays may occur due to situations beyond our control.