How Seniors Can Stay Active And Safe
Physical Activity Is Essential To Healthy Aging
According to the CDC, only 35-44% of adults over the age of 75 are physically active. This means that over roughly 21 million older adults are not getting the recommended 150 minutes of moderate activity and two days of muscle-strengthening activity each week.
According to the Stroke Network, a major reason for lack of exercise in older adults is due to a fear of falling, especially if they have fallen before. With the fear of falling, exercise is frequently limited in response, which then in turn increases the risk of a fall. The fear and risk of falling then become a cycle.
MobileHelp® offers a solution to help break that cycle: its SOLO medical alert system works both in the home and away from the home on the AT&T Cellular Network, so no landline is required. The system can be used across the country while traveling, while out golfing, walking, or even in the home. The system utilizes GPS, so operators can send help right to the user with the push of a button.
MobileHelp SOLO is also compatible with the company’s Fall Button, an automatic fall detection pendant. This pendant provides extra protection by automatically sending an alarm if the user falls and is unable to push their button.
The security this device provides gives users the freedom to live a more active lifestyle.
Wyatt Myers from Everyday Health gives great options for seniors to increase levels of physical activity both in and out of the home:
- Dancing, which provides not only cardiovascular benefit, but benefits coordination and balance as well.
- Tai Chi or yoga are great low impact exercises that can improve balance and overall strength, but also serve as stress relief. Even seniors with limited mobility can give them a try; the poses can be modified to fit the individual.
- Golf is a fantastic way to build endurance.
- Swimming is a low-impact option for seniors, but can also be supplemented with water aerobics or water jogging. Benefits to water activity include reduced lower back pain and improvement to body composition, to name a few.
- Gardening is a simple way to get a little extra exercise close to home. And if it’s difficult to bend and reach, raised planters are always another option.
These represent only a few of the many ideas for seniors who want to be more physically active. Other activities include biking, walking and playing with grandkids! With MobileHelp’s SOLO, seniors are able to lead a more active lifestyle because they always have the peace-of-mind of knowing that help is just a button press away.